Patient Testimonials

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We are lucky to get to work with so many wonderful patients and are honored to receive their feedback to help make our team better. 

Facial Paralysis Patient Testimonial

"Working with Dr. Lyford-Pike changed my life. My doctor referred me to her and I didn’t realize how bad it was until I started my treatment. After I had my tumor taken out I hardly ever looked in the mirror to see my face. After I started treatment with Dr. Lyford-Pike I finally took a look at myself and couldn’t believe how much better it was.

The team was fantastic to work with. When I had a question they took the time to sit down with me face to face. I feel like sometimes doctors focus in on one thing they need to fix, but Dr. Lyford-Pike and her team took the time to get to know me as a whole person.

I can’t thank them enough - I should have started this process years ago. I felt like I had become a recluse and I know this can affect other people too. Now, I want to tell everybody about my experience so it can help them as well."

"I developed Bell's Palsy 17 years ago on the left side of my face for which I was treated by a physical therapist for facial paralysis at the University of Minnesota. This led to surgery on my left eye. My doctor placed a gold weight in my lid for six months which allowed those muscles to strengthen so I could blink.  When 5 years ago, the right side of my face was also impacted, my new physical therapist suggested Botox treatments and referred me to Dr. Lyford-Pike. I met her soon after and she started working with me.

I have been seeing Dr. Lyford-Pike for over two years now for Botox injections. She is a wonderful person who has helped me a lot - I feel much less tensity and tightness in my face now. I recently also started seeing Danielle Schneeman for physical therapy. Together, they make an amazing, very kind, fun, empathetic and professional team who will be able to help a lot of people with similar conditions to mine."

"I have had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Lyford - Pike in I think 2019. I was in an accident many years ago and my face with age and weight gain became very disfigured because of nerve damage. She has helped me achieve something I thought was lost. My smile. Her continued help has led to a recent event that I want to share.

For several years looks and stares have been a daily occurrence. But at work, out of the mouth of a child came the best reaction I could have wanted. He asked about my hearing aid while his mother looked nervous. I explained that the doctor said that this will help you hear better. And he was good with my response. Normally kids ask about my face drooping or disfigurement. But the child just said “Oh.” No other questions.The best reaction out of a child. As they are honest, curious, and direct. No question about my face and disfigurement just “Oh.” Dr Lyford-Pike hit a Grand Slam out of the park home-run. 

I am truly grateful."